Sunday, March 17, 2013

The No Cook Meal Plan

The Easiest Way To Live 
A Healthy Life
 And Torch Body Fat! 
“The No Cook, No Time, 
No Excuses, Healthy Meal Plan,” 
Has Been Discovered!

You’re about to discover why food manufactures have been deceiving you. Everybody at some point makes an effort to eat better and food manufactures realize that consumers will buy foods that are claimed to be healthy even if they are far from it. Inside the shopping tour that comes with this program you will learn the products that are leading you to think they are healthy and the ones that fit great into your new way of living healthy. Learn how to read labels that will protect you from being misled.
  • Do you want to lose fat without having to spend countless hours preparing healthy meals
  • Do you struggle to find balance in regards to preparing and cooking healthy foods, exercising, working, and spending quality time with your family
  • Do you feel it’s impossible to eat healthy because you can’t or dislike to cook
  • Are you tired of feeling energy less with every low calorie, tasteless bar, shake, and magic pill diet out there
  • Do you want to avoid many digestive and medical problems associated with eating the wrong processed foods
  • Are you frightened by the fact that after years of dieting you still have not found a solution to healthy living that you can manage
  • Do you want to avoid cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses caused by eating an unhealthy diet
  • Do you want a way of living that is east to stick to and stop dieting forever
  • Are you confused by the thousands of fad diets out there that never get you the permanent results you deserve
  • Do you want more time, energy, fat loss, health, vitality and confidence
 If you said yes to ANY of those questions, then I have great news for you…

 The No Time, No Cook, No Excuses, Healthy Living will take the confusion out of dieting out of your way forever. Learn to find time do all you need to live healthy by following this simple, easy, tasty, energy filled, no cook, no excuse meal plan.

Many of you are probably wondering,

The key is learning to choose the right foods at the grocery store. Many extreme health diets require all fresh foods and nothing processed. I agree that would be ideal but many people end up eating fewer calories. Busy professionals are restricted by the convenience of having enough options on hand. The person on the go all the time also has the difficult task of keeping fresh foods from spoiling without refrigeration. In both instances people end up eating fast food or eat fewer calories and wind up eating more in the evening.

  • We will teach you all the healthiest quick grab snacks
  • You’ll eat foods you love
  • A wide variety of foods to choose from
  • Learn the healthy way to make a lifestyle change
  • Family friendly
  • Affordable
  • No starving

When you eat a healthy diet consisting of healthy living foods filled with vitimans, minerals, and anti-oxidants you’ll have more energy than you have ever had. When you combine both exercise and nutrition the health benefits are incredible. You can use the No Cook Meal Plan to lose your weight but it’s also the same plan you will follow to maintain your weight.

Weight loss can not only improve your quality of life, but also prevent or lower your risk of developing life-threatening diseases. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is 25-30+, the threshold for obesity, and you have one or more serious health conditions, you may want to consider this effective weight-loss solution. You’ve probably tried to lose weight before, but gained it all back. For many people, it’s a never-ending battle. It is called Yo-Yo dieting for a reason. The lifestyle changes we incorporate through exercise and nutrition will help you take it off and keep it off.
Health problems associated with obesity include:
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Arthritis
  • Back and Joint Pain
  • Sleep Apnea, Difficulty Sleeping, and Snoring
  • Depression
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Daytime Sleepiness and Fatigue
  • High Cholesterol
  • Feeling out of breath with minor exertion
  • Always feeling hot and excessive sweating
  • Rashes and infection in folds of your skin
  • Low self-esteem and confidence
  • Malnourishment (not getting the right balance of food)
Some Benefits of eating healthy and exercising include:
  • Weight Loss
  • More energy
  • Improves libido
  • Better skin and hair
  • Reduces risk of osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, as well as many other life-threatening diseases
  • Self-esteem and mood become more positive
  • Less pain injuries
  • Develop more muscular endurance
  • Strength, which gives you confidence and makes daily activities easier
  • More muscle means higher fat burning metabolism
  • A stronger immune system
  • Gaining muscle lowers blood pressure and strengthens bones
  • Strength training increases energy levels
  • Weightlifting improves athletic performance
  • Strength training improves physical appearance
  • Weightlifting helps relaxation, promoting a good nights sleep while combating stress
  • Strength training improves balance and coordination
  • Muscle mass typically declines 30% in ages 35 to 65, training prevents much of this loss
  • Lowers your resting heart rate, a sign of a more efficient heart
  • Increases your blood level of HDL cholesterol (the good type)
  • Decreases gastrointestinal transit time, reducing your risk for developing colon cancer
  • Will NOT develop big muscles on women…just toned muscles!
  • Raises your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Increasing your BMR causes you to burn more calories 24 hours a day. You will even burn more calories while you’re sleeping!

All that being said why wouldn’t everybody want to live a healthier lifestyle. Well for starters its hard finding the time it takes to make it last. Now that we solved that problem was wondering if you ready to discover the best diet for fat loss, health, and vitality while avoiding time consuming, hard to follow, tasteless diet food, and confusing recipes that you will only stick to for an average of 12 days